Ocean Transportation - RORO Shipping

  • Last Post 08/27/2015 09:29 AM EST
Nelly Posted 08/26/2015 02:48 PM EST

RORO: Mostly known as the roll-on/roll-off shipping method, that means that your car will be driven inside the ship. RORO cargo consists of items such as tractors, buses and trucks, or oversized cargo loaded on special flatbed, mafi or lowboy trailers. In order to be shipped by RORO a vehicle should be:

1) in run&drive condition to be driven onto the ship;

2) without extensive damages that might cause injuries to ship workers.

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Victoria Posted 08/27/2015 09:29 AM EST

Please note, roro cost depends on cars dimensions, destination country and shipping line. So, if you are interested in some particular car, please check the transportation cost with the shipping department before making a purchase.

Let us remind you, that the shipping cost shown by most shipping calculator on companies websites gives only rough estimate  price, without taking to the account above mentioned factors.

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